2014 in Photos

…and 14 short writeups 😛 More than a month after new year’s eve, I finally found time to post my 2014 yearend entry. It took me a while to put this together. Not that I have nothing to write about – there are actually a ton of things I want to post about 2014 that compressing … Read more

Kalix Turns 1 :)

A year ago, my good friend Weki asked if I can take a few photos of her newborn nephew, Kalix. These photos were taken when Kalix was only a few days old. The next time I saw Kalix was on his 1st birthday, which I recently covered. He has grown so much since! He’s now … Read more

A Not-so-throwback Thursday Birthday

Months ago, I officially went into my early thirties. After I “crossed over” last year, I realized it’s not so bad after all being trentahin. :)) For my last birthday, I was thinking of organizing one big birthday bash where I will invite all my family/friends over, but I decided to have several separate, small … Read more

Sofia Julia’s Mickey Mouse Birthday Party :)

Venue: Prestige Tower Host: Jiggles the Balloon Lady I came to know Sofia’s mom, Selene, through Tricia, my law school blockmate/ex-officemate and also Chloe‘s aunt. Selene also works at the same office I used to be employed in. I met her only once, without even realizing that she’s the same person I’ve been e-mailing with … Read more

Tyler’s Dedication and 1st Birthday at Ark Avilon Zoo

It was my first time to shoot a child dedication and my first time to cover an event at the Ark Avilon. Tyler’s parents are both from CCF, where I also attend, so I saw some familiar faces. Pastor Danny, who officiated the ceremony, sometimes speaks at the afternoon service in CCF Main. Thank you … Read more