About Lianne

Hi! My name is Lianne. I’m a lifestyle photographer who loves taking photos of beautiful people for a living. I travel all over the world, meet amazing people, and chronicle my journeys through this blog.

Just kidding. I’m a full time corporate lawyer from Manila who happens to be passionate about taking photos and traveling. 🙂 Yes, I’m one of those boring corporate drones with a daily 8-hour job. Hehe. On those few days I’m away from my cubicle (mostly reviewing contracts and other paperwork and drinking ominous amounts of coffee), I take family and kids’ portraits and cover family milestones like kids’ birthdays and weddings.

I’m a natural light photographer – for portrait sessions, I prefer shooting outdoors early in the morning (or late in the afternoon would work too). I’m biased because I’m a morning person. 😀 I wake up early morning to spend quiet time with God. I also get almost all my creative ideas in the morning (so sorry if you’re one of the people I message at unreasonable hours. Hehe)

My first love is really art. I’ve always wanted to be an artist/illustrator since I was young, but I was raised in an era when lawyering is one of the preferred professions so I went to law school as my dad wished. I have to admit, it was the worst 4 (5, including bar review) years of my life but I later on began to appreciate balancing my legal career and photography. Being in two careers/interests has helped me appreciate both, and has expanded my network tremendously. I’ve shared my struggles and joys as a photographer and lawyer in a TV show and a magazine article years ago. 😉 This is something I’ll probably share more of in this blog – how God had led me to where I am now, and how He is continuously shaping me to become the person He wants me to be. I still dream of pursuing an art career someday, doing illustration and watercolor. It’s up there together with my desire of being a wife and a mom. (#walanghimala haha) For now, aside from being a lawyer and photographer, I’m just an absentee mom to a big furry dog named Wedge who I only see on weekends.

I will write more about my journey and all my client-friends’ stories soon!

Photo taken by my eldest sister, Lani, who claims to be the real photographer in the family. And btw, I was freezing in this photo :))

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