(Tips for photographers and non-photographers)

I’ve been shooting professionally for 14 years, but I’ve been constantly using a camera to document my life way before that. Photography holds a special part of my heart because it has changed my life for the better in more ways than one. In this post, I will be sharing some of the hacks or tips I learned about photography in the recent years.
1. Take photos everyday.
I started this practice at the beginning of the pandemic, when the days were starting to look the same. I wanted to find something distinct about each day, document how we coped with the crisis, and even catch moments of hope and joy amidst such a bleak era. I took photos of ordinary things – my workout equipment, food that I ordered, my mom watching kdramas (a habit she started then), a glass of homemade dalgona coffee. When I started going out, I took photos of the places I went to because I rarely saw the outside world. Later on, it developed into a daily habit. I realized that there will come a time when I will forget these small, everyday moments, but eventually, they will become much more meaningful. Taking photos everyday also encourages me to seek beauty in every day things and be more grateful of my experiences.
2. Make photos of your happy memories easily accessible.
With the huge volume of digital files we keep, our best photos tend to get lost in or buried under the clutter. Create a system that will allow you to easily access your favorite photos whenever you feel down or during those times when you want to increase your happy hormones. There are a lot of creative ways you can do this – you can open a new folder in your phone or laptop for your best photos, you can have them printed for a photo collage at home, or you can use an online gallery or social media. I used to be so selective with the photos I post on IG because I was concerned with my feed’s aesthetic and what other people will say. But now, it has become my personal bank of happy memories.
3. Have your professional portraits taken regularly.
As a photographer, the most awkward role for me to take is that of a model. I have no problem directing others, but I always have a hard time posing solo in front of the camera. Although it’s a very uncomfortable experience for me, I still make it a point to have portraits of myself taken regularly – complete with hair and makeup and a professional photographer. I started this back in 2018, when I needed photos for my new website. Then I realized I could also use these photos for social media, blog posts, ads, or work. Regardless of your role, you will need a decent photo of yourself at some point in your life, and you’ll find it very useful to have a repository of decent photos to choose from.
4. Be a part of the photos.
Designated photographers (usually, the parents or that friend who always brings a fancy cam) have the tendency to take photos of everyone else and forget to have their own photos taken. Remember that you are a part of the moment you’re capturing, and that moment will form part of your loved ones’ memories as well. Definitely, they will want to see you in the photos. Allow yourself to be photographed by others or get someone else to take your photos. Take a selfie of you must. You deserve to be a part of the picture. Years down the road, you would want to see the version of yourself at that particular moment.
5. Have your photos taken NOW.
Keep in mind that there is really no best time to have your photos taken. I know a lot of people who keep on putting off a self-portrait session or simply do not want to have their photos taken because they think that they look too fat/haggard/stressed/(insert a similar excuse here). I’m guilty of this as well. The best photos you’ll have are those where your authentic self is captured. And you don’t feel comfortable about posting our sharing your photos, don’t feel pressured to. You can keep them for your own consumption. You can always share them to your loved ones when you feel ready.