2013 – A look at the past year

They say what happens on the first day of the year accurately foreshadows how the rest of the year would turn out. I’m not superstitious, but I became worried this would come true in 2013 when we spent new year’s eve mourning a close aunt’s death. My mom’s sister lost her battle against cancer only … Read more

The Long Wait

Thoughts from my long layover at the King Khalid International Airport 3:32 am: Riyadh 8:33 am: Manila 7:33 pm: Baltimore I’m at the Riyadh airport right now with four hours left to kill until my flight to Washington, D.C. Last month, I decided to spend the holidays at my brother’s place in the U.S. We … Read more

Happy 10th Anniversary, Imagine Nation! :)

Before anything, let me just say that despite how un-Imagine Nation this post is, I have actually been part of Imagine Nation Photography for two years of my life. Hehe. I know, this post is three weeks late – a violation of the two-day posting rule; a lot of photos are blurred, terribly composed, cluttered, and … Read more

Proud to be an Imagine Nation Alumna :)

Taken during the CCF Retreat with Imagine Nation people back in 2009, right after Batch 4 got accepted as apprentices 🙂 (Thank you Jamie Lihan for the photos) In celebration of Imagine Nation’s 10th anniversary, I’m reposting an entry I wrote in my old blog, right after I found out I got accepted as part … Read more